Alpha 1 Release

tl:dr - Alpha 1 is out, you can download it here and it should be used for testing purposes only.

The First Alpha Release

It is so good to finally put this out there.

Please keep in mind that this is released under alpha status for a reason. Don’t go around using this version of the bot just yet.

A lot of things are broken after upgrading to Discord.js v12 and I haven’t been able to get around to fixing them.

The entire purpose of this release is so if you’re interested in using ShpeeBot 9 when I can finally finish it, you can contribute to the development process by finding issues/bugs and reporting them to me so I can fix them early on in development instead of later on causing huge problems for eveyone involved.

If you’re super duper interested in the development process, I’ll be updating this doc every time I make a change to the ShpeeBot code so you’ll be in the know on all changes before release.

Thanks for being a part of the community that lets me enjoy programming.
